Song Of The Day


Um random shit i guess? or in the morally correct world, * STORY TIME *

Alright, well, have any of you readers seen the show iCarly? I think its a pretty awesome show, have any of you felt like u belong on TV? I know the feeling, my life is actually quite interesting, even though i still have the time to sit and blog... Anyways, iCarly, there is a place where you can submit things, i think that if you guys feel like you belong on TV you should submit a video.
------> Now I'm done with some random topic of the day. Anyways, if you guys want a story... i have to say.. you're going to have to wait. BUT in the mean time, or however you spell that little saying, i have a poem/songy thingy, tell me whatchya think of it k?

Now im walking home alone
Im filled with complete utter shock
No matter how hard I try
My legs shake with every step I walk
My head is tilted down
The light escapes my eyes
My vision blurred and drowned
I feel the rain pouring from the black sky
Im covered, Im soaking Im drenched in everything
Whats keep me from sinking?

I never meant for this to happen
But you bruised me like you did
Never knew I’d be left broken
With the marks made upon my head
Who would think I’d be abused
But you lit my fuse
Ive never felt so used.

Well thats only a tinsy bit of it, tell me whatchya think k? THNX!

- Inspirational Goodbyes

P.S. SONG OF THE DAY! Leave It All To Me ~ Miranda Cosgrove ~ iCarly Theme Song


Oh now this could be fun

I'm here for the fame and the party, or whichever comes first.
My names hoplessromanticwithapanicattack, for all you know.
I'm here to do pretty much the same thing InspirationalGoodbyes is here for, but with my own personality and problem solvers.
Or problems.
Like I said before, whichever comes first.
You'll get my advice, and my own stories which can be amusing, hilarious, or though indulging for you.
I'll probably say what they were for me, and you probably won't agree.
That reminds me, I probably think differently than you, so don't get angry at that.
That shows individuality not preaching.
Like Inspirational Goodbyes I'm going to have a _______ of the day. She got song, so I picked quotes. They can range from hilarious to thoughtfull to loveful to loveless.
You'll just have to see.
But almost all of them will be by me.
Heres todays.
You said you never wanted to see me hurt. Did you close your eyes then when I cried?
All for now.

Tune in later for more fun times, and big words.


First Blogg =D

So this is my first blog, aren't you just so excited to see what advice or stories my brain can remember and concoct? Well, i thought that first i should let you know what might be included in this blog. I will give advice to those who ask, just leave a comment on the blog, and I will answer your questions. Otherwise when I am not helping those who feel they need it, I will share stories. These stories could be incredibly amusing, these stories might be educational, these stories might give you advice and imput, these stories might be incredibly abstract. Take in what I write if you care too, and take what you can from the writing, if it helps you, congratulations. If you don't care to read this blog, finish with this sentence here.
Otherwise, I hope you appreciate the blog, and tell me whatchya think of it!!! WELL THANKYOU for reading this first blog, my others will be more interesting.. neways checkins laterrs peeps.

PS. I might have other bloggers on here too, so look at whos blogging what, k thnx!!!

PSS!!!! Song Of The Day : Teenagers by MCR - note i am in an MCR mood.

my songs of the day may reflect whatever mood im in, and may say something about the bloggage going on... neways share with ur friends, share with ur family, share with ur classmates, share with those u hate. =] byebyes for nows...
